
Equitable and inclusive tool for community-based geothermal development

Geothermal is under our feet!

Geothermal is "homegrown", offering a domestic source of reliable, renewable, and "green" energy.

Geothermal energy is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, regardless of weather.

Geothermal can be applied to:

  • produce electricity
  • generate hydrogen
  • store energy
  • heat and cool greenhouses, homes and buildings

GeoTGo: Equitable and inclusive tool for community-based geothermal development

  • provides everything needed by communities to better understand and develop geothermal resources
  • bridges the gap between technology advancements and community needs
  • relies on cloud-based artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) tools
  • facilitates the interactions between the geothermal industry, regulators, stakeholders, and end-users
  • merges data, computational methods, knowledge, expertise, and experience.
  • provides fast processing and dissemination of geothermal information to users and communities
  • helps understanding and predicting complex subsurface processes associated with exploration and utilization of geothermal energy


Data management and processing


Cutting-edge Physics-Informed AL/ML methods and tools designed for scientific applications


Effective visualization of data and results


Secure management of proprietary data and results

GeoTGo is developed by EnviTrace

Software development is supported by federal and state grants as well as in-house funding.

Trace Kliphuis

CEO / Project PI

Velimir "monty" Vesselinov, PhD

CTO / Project Technical Lead

Deborah Matties

Project Manager

Elysia Bunten

Office Manager

Milton Bluehouse

Native Nation Liaison

Jeff Atencio

Native Nation Liaison

Dimiter Vassilev, PhD


Zhiming Lu, PhD


EnviTrace develops artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) methods and software.

Our technology is designed for cloud-computing and scientific applications.

We apply AI/ML to find and analyze hidden pieces of information in large datsets.

Using our AI/ML technology, we want to better understand and address energy and environmental challenges facing our world today and tomorrow.

Our experience and expertise are in the areas of environmental and earth sciences.

We have applied our AI/ML software for different problems: climate change, seismicity, geothermal, carbon sequestration, oil/gas production, waste disposal, water/air quality, water supply, food-energy-water nexus, pandemics, and wildfires.


Contact Us

Develop and apply AI/ML to address critical needs of our nation related to energy production and environmental conditions.

Support development of inclusive and equitable science community.

Improve socioeconomic, environmental, educational conditions of the underprivileged and underrepresented comunities of New Mexico.

The world's most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data (The Economist)! Our company aims to explore it and mine it.

Our innovative AI/ML methods and tools allow for:

  • identifying lack of knowledge and missing pieces of information
  • filling data and knowledge gaps
  • improving understanding
  • making predictions
  • estimating uncertainties
  • performing decision analyses
  • providing solutions

Our cutting-edge AI/ML software has been applied to solve various environmental and earth-science problems.

GeoTGo: Characterization, development and utilization of geothermal resources

GeoTGo applies ML/AI to better understand and develop geothermal resources. Our software bridges the gap between technology advancements and community needs.

(proprietary software; DOE SBIR funded project)

GeoML: Analysis and interpretation of geochemical and geophysical data

We develop commercial cloud-based ML/AI software for planning and optimization of subsurface energy storage and geothermal extraction. This is achieved by integrated analyses of existing geologic, geochemical, and geophysical datasets.

(proprietary software; DOE SBIR funded project)

DAPE: Data Assimilation and Model Parameterization for Earth Science

We develop methods and a software framework for data assimilation and parameterization using Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine-Learning (UML and PIML). We will apply the software to parameterize processes represented in Earth System Models (ESMs).

(proprietary software; NASA SBIR funded project)

SmartTensors/SmartML: Open-source software AI/ML frameworks

SmartTensors & SmartML provide open-source access to our methods and algorithms for Unsupervised (Self-supervised), Supervised, and Physics-Informed Machine-Learning. In 2021, SmartTensors has received two R&D100 awards.


(Open-source software)

MADS: Model Analyses & Decision Support

MADS is an open-source integrated high-performance computational framework for data/model/decision analyses.

MADS can be applied to perform:

  • Sensitivity Analyses
  • Parameter Estimation
  • Model Inversion and Calibration
  • Uncertainty Quantification
  • Model Selection and Averaging
  • Model Reduction and Surrogate Modeling
  • Decision Analysis and Support

MADS has been coupled with our AI/ML software and algorithms.

(Open-source software)

GIMI: Geomechanically-Informed Machine-Learning Intelligence

GIMI applies Physics-Informed ML to provide effective predictions of energy production from oil & gas reservoirs.

(proprietary software)

ChemML: AI/ML software for contaminant characterization and remediation

ChemML supports optimal remediation control by providing fast, robust, and scientifically defensible Science-Informed (Physics/Chemistry) ML geochemical models characterzing and predicting contaminant transport. ChemML provides a web-based dashboard for cloud-based data management, computation, and visualization.

(proprietary software; DOE SBIR funded project)

WEF.jl: Water-energy-food (WEF) nexus toolbox

Our software analyzes the interrelationships between water, energy, and food systems. Through optimization analyses, WEF identifies solutions to ensure resource security and efficiency, and to reduce the impact on water-dependent ecosystems.

(proprietary software)

  • Environmental problems
  • Renewable energy production (geothermal, wind, solar)
  • Carbon sequestration and storage
  • Oil/gas production
  • Water management and conservation
  • Water supply
  • Water contamination
  • Watershed hydrology
  • Climate
  • Wildfires
  • Cultural heritage site protection
  • Induced seismicity
  • Waste disposal
  • Air quality

  • Project management and leadership
  • Mediation and professional coaching
  • Machine learning (ML)
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Life cycle assessments (LCA)
  • Data analytics
  • Model diagnostics
  • Risk assessment
  • Decision analysis, support and making
  • Food-water-energy nexus analyses
  • Environmental regulation
  • Model simulations and analyses
  • Theoretical research
  • Numerical simulations
  • Code development
  • Edge/Cloud computing
  • Field and experimental work

In 2021, SmartTensors has received two R&D100 awards.

EnviTrace LLC is a recipient of 5 SBIR Grants funded by DOE & NASA.

EnviTrace LLC is a recipient of the 2023 New Mexico SBIR Award. The funding is provided by the Office of Science & Technology, Economic Development Department, State of New Mexico.

EnviTrace LLC is a recipient of the 2023 Flying 40 Award issued by the New Mexico Tech Council.

We are hiring!

Small Tech, Big Ideas, Diverse Minds: Innovate Together

Our hiring process aims the promotion of inclusive and equitable research. This is is crucial for ensuring the scientific community is diverse, representative, and accessible to individuals from a wide range of backgrounds.

We are an equal opportunity employer. Because we believe that diversity makes us better, we target to include in our work researchers with different cultural, racial, educational, socioeconomic, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, disabilities, neurodiverse conditions, religious and philosophical beliefs, and life experiences.

Members of underprivileged and underrepresented communities are strongly encouraged to apply!

We are hiring individuals with background in the areas of:

  • business admininstration
  • data analytics & visualization
  • machine learning & artificial intelligence
  • applied mathematics
  • code development & design

Subject-matter expertise and experience are desired but not required.

We look for passionate individuals with strong motivation to address environmental and earth-science problems.

Do not hesitate to contact us:

Contact Us

Our company promotes inclusive and equitable research.

For us, it is crucial to develop a company which is diverse, representative, and accessible to individuals from a wide range of backgrounds.

We target to include in our work researchers with different cultural, racial, educational, socioeconomic, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, disabilities, neurodiverse conditions, religious and philosophical beliefs, and life experiences.

We work actively with members of underprivileged and underrepresented communities.

Our company is a member of the American Indian Chamber of Commerce of New Mexico and Women in Geothermal (WING).

Our company credo is "Small Tech, Big Ideas, Diverse Minds: Innovate Together"

Our company has developed community engagement plans (CEPs).

Developing a CEP is a comprehensive process that involves understanding the needs and preferences of the community, setting clear objectives, and implementing strategies to foster meaningful connections and participation. Below is a step-by-step guide how we were able to create an effective CEP:

  1. Define the Purpose and Goals:
    • Identify the purpose of the CEP. What we want to achieve through community engagement?
    • Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.
  2. Identify the Target Audience:
    • Determine who the community is. Are they residents, customers, employees, or a specific demographic group?
    • Segment the audience to better understand their needs, preferences, and communication channels.
  3. Conduct a Needs Assessment:
    • Gather data and feedback from the community to identify their needs, concerns, and priorities.
    • Use surveys, interviews, and focus groups to collect valuable insights.
  4. Develop Engagement Strategies:
    • Choose engagement strategies that align with the goals and audience. Common strategies include:
      • Community meetings or town halls
      • Social media engagement
      • Workshops and training sessions
      • Online forums or discussion groups
      • Surveys and feedback mechanisms
      • Community events and festivals
  5. Create a Communication Plan:
    • Define how to communicate with the community. Determine which channels (e.g., email, social media, newsletters) to use.
    • Develop a content calendar to ensure consistent messaging.
  6. Establish Partnerships:
    • Collaborate with local organizations, influencers, and community leaders to expand the reach and credibility.
    • Seek endorsements and support from key stakeholders.
  7. Allocate Resources:
    • Determine the budget, staff, and technology needed to implement the engagement plan effectively.
    • Ensure the necessary resources to support the initiatives.
  8. Implement the Plan:
    • Launch the engagement initiatives according to the content calendar.
    • Monitor progress and make adjustments as necessary based on feedback and data.
  9. Evaluate and Measure Success:
    • Regularly assess the effectiveness of the engagement efforts against the SMART goals.
    • Collect data on participation rates, feedback, and community satisfaction.
    • Use this data to make informed decisions and refine the plan.
  10. Maintain Ongoing Engagement:
    • Community engagement is not a one-time effort. Continuously nurture relationships and adapt the strategies to evolving community needs.
  11. Document and Share Results:
    • Share the outcomes and successes of the community engagement efforts with the community and stakeholders.
    • Transparency builds trust and encourages continued participation.
  12. Review and Update the Plan:
    • Periodically revisit and update the CEP to ensure it remains relevant and aligned with changing community needs and organizational goals.

Community engagement is an ongoing process that requires dedication and flexibility. Building trust and meaningful relationships with communities takes time, so patience and persistence is important.

Our CEPs have been developed by soliciting input from members and organizations associated with underprivileged and underrepresented communities, including Native American Nations and Tribes. We have contacted these groups and asked for their feedback on what they want to see in a CEP. We have also looked at the data on these groups and tried to understand their needs and challenges. These efforts have helped us develop a CEP tailored to these communities' specific needs. We believe this is important because it ensures that the CEP is relevant and effective for the people using it.

Our CEPs are living documents regularly updated to address needs and opportunities.

Our company acknowledges that the place now called Santa Fe, where our office is located, sits on unceded ancestral Tewa Land and is still recognized as O'gha Po'oge, meaning White Shell Water Place.

We recognize that this land is just one piece of a larger, boundless terrain for Indigenous peoples that include the Nambe Pueblo, the Tewa, and the Jicarilla Apache.

O'gha Po'oge was once a thriving Pueblo village, and their descendants include the modern-day Tewa people who still live in Santa Fe and the local Pueblos of Nambe, Pojoaque, San Ildefonso, Ohkay Owingeh, Santa Clara and Tesuque.

We also recognize the violence, displacement, migration, and colonization that haunt this place.

We understand we are now stewards of this land, responsible for the care of water, air, and each other.

In addition, we pledge to donate a percentage of the profit from our commercial services developed under our R&D projects to a local non-profit organization supporting the education of Native American students.

We love hiking and are passionate about exploring the beauty of nature.

We also enjoy solving challenging puzzles.

We combine our passions to address the urgent energy and environmental challenges of our world today.

We strive to trace the untraced.

We live in New Mexico which is one of the poorer and less educated states in our nation, with predominantly underprivileged and underrepresented communities. We are particularly dedicated to working with Native American Nations and Tribes. We strive to improve socioeconomic, environmental, and educational conditions in our state by promoting inclusive and equitable research.

We love to question the meaning of life constantly, which strongly impacts our lifestyles and choices.

We love to travel and explore different cultures in our country and around the world.

We are also passionate about art.

Trais is an established Santa Fe artist ( Trais is also makes natural perfumes and develops scents based on New Mexico plants.

Monty loves to draw & paint. Monty is a music, photography, & movie buff (

Near Abiquiu, New Mexico

Rainbow Hot Spring, Colorado

Turkey Creek Hot Spring, Gila Mountain, New Mexico

Turtle Peak, T or C (Truth or Consequences), New Mexico

Summer Rock, Gila Mountain, New Mexico

Perspective, Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Park, California

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah



AI/ML technology for environmental and energy problems

Team member says hi!

EnviTrace LLC is a recipient of the 2023 Flying 40 Award issued by the New Mexico Tech Council.

EnviTrace LLC is a member of the American Indian Chamber of Commerce of New Mexico, the Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce, the Geothermal Rising, Women in Geothermal (WING), and the New Mexico Technology Council.